Registration for in-person participation is closed.
To register for on-line participation, please send a e-mail to elgar-workshop@sciencesconf.org with your name and complete affiliation details (name and address).
The ELGAR initiative [1,2] supports the realization of a European underground infrastructure based on the latest progress in atomic physics, to study space-time and gravitation with the primary goal of detecting GWs in the infrasound band (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz).
The scientific potential of GWs astronomy is enormous, in terms of providing a deep view into the past of our universe and complement other observations, such as the one done with radio telescopes or infrared observatories. The success of this new astronomy relies on our faculty to expand our GW observation window to other frequencies. ELGAR could cover the band between future space-based instruments and third generation ground-based detectors: this would open multi-frequency GW astronomy, which has a great scientific potential.
Additionally, ELGAR would also be the first project of European research infrastructure relying solely on quantum technologies and its technical development could impact existing or future high precision experiments by allowing a new class of matter-wave interferometers with brand new properties: ELGAR could lead to breakthroughs in the development of future inertial sensors for applications in Geoscience, inertial navigation or underground survey, and would also enable new tests of fundamental theories of physics with unprecedented precision.
In view of organizing an answer to a forthcoming European research infrastructure call, the scope of the workshop will be to review the current developments related to the main technological building blocks of the antenna:
The workshop will gather the expertise of different European teams from Geoscience, Gravitational Waves, ultracold atoms and atom interferometry that would support the realization of the future infrastructure. The workshop will review the applications of ELGAR in the fields of:
- Astronomy and fundamental physics

Elgar Geometry
[1] “ELGAR - a European Laboratory for Gravitation and Atom-interferometric Research” Class. Quantum Grav. 37 225017, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6382/aba80e
[2] “Technologies for the ELGAR large scale atom interferometer array “, arXiv:2007.04014 (2020).